电    话:139****2965
邮    箱:1050182127@qq.com
介    绍:
1. 申如如, 闫浩文, 孙钦珂. 地理照片元数据的黄河上游城市群游客行为研究[J]. 测绘科学, 2020, 45(03):156-162.
2. 申如如, 闫浩文, 孙钦珂. 甘肃省A级旅游景点空间分布特征及影响因素[J]. 地理信息世界, 2019, 26(06):104-109.
3. Study on the Behaviors of Inbound Tourists based on Geotagged Photo Metadata – A Case of the City Group in the Upper Reach of the Yellow River in China[C]. Conference Publications of the International Cartographic Association. Abstracts of the ICA. 29th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2019). (会议论文)