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  1. Hou Zhaoyang, Lv Kaiyun, Going Xunqiang, et al. A Remote Sensing Image Fusion Method Combining Low-Level Visual Features and Parameter-Adaptive Dual-Channel Pulse-Coupled Neural Network. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(2):344.
  2. 侯昭阳, 吕开云, 龚循强, . 种结合低级视觉特征和PAPCNNNSST域遥感影像融合方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2023, 48(6): 960-969.
  3. 龚循强, 侯昭阳, 吕开云, . 结合改进Laplacian和参数自适应双通道ULPCNN的遥感影像融合方法. 测绘学报. (网络首发)
  4. 吕开云, 侯昭阳, 龚循强, . 一种基于ASRPAPCNNNSCT域遥感影像融合方法. 遥感技术与应用, 2022, 37(4):829-838.
  5. Gong·Xunqiang, Hou·Zhaoyang, Lv Kaiyun, et al. Multispectral and SAR image fusion via adaptive multiscale Gaussian co-occurence filtering decomposition. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. (SCI, 审稿中)
  6. Gong Xunqiang, Hou Zhaoyang, Lv Kaiyun, et al. Multispectral and SAR image fusion based on least squares optimization rolling guidance filtering for multi-scale decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. (SCI,审稿中)


  1. 2023年全国测绘科学与技术博士生学术论坛优秀论文奖。
  2. 江西省遥感应用学会2022年度学术年会优秀论文一等奖。


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